Keynote: Why you should take a good look at Flutter for _all_ platforms!*

Randal Schwartz

Keynote: Why you should take a good look at Flutter for _all_ platforms!*

Flutter has come a long ways since its was first introduced a few years ago. Yes, even though Google is still in the driver’s seat for Flutter and Dart development, more and more of the contributions are coming from the community. 

Google is highly committed to continuing to make Flutter *the* go-to SDK for user interfaces of all kinds. Of course it still does Mobile well (ios/android/fuchsia), but recently, major releases for Flutter on Web, Flutter on Desktop (linux, windows, macos), and Dart on every platform (including compiling go-like to a single binary with everything included) have continued to please the crowds.

Many large organizations have adopted Flutter, and some app-store apps have had literally *millions* of downloads.

I’ll be talking about the Past, Present, and Future of Flutter and Dart.

Topics covered:

    • What *is* Flutter anyway, and why Dart?
    • How does it compare to other multi-platform UI SDKs?
    • Flutter/Dart – past, present, future
    • Platforms
    • Notable adopters
    • Q&A if there’s time

Lecture in english, WITH NO simultaneous translation
(Palestra em inglês, SEM tradução simultânea)

22 de agosto – 15h30 às 16h30 – Salas 1, 2, 3 e 4

Palestrantes /dev (Desenvolvimento)

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